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MERP involved in developing European Marine Board’s policy brief on End-to-End marine ecosystem models

Published: 18 August 2017

In association with the AMEMR 2017 conference in Plymouth, the European Marine Board (EMB) organised an expert workshop on 7th July 2017, hosted by Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML).

The aim of the workshop was to produce community-driven consensus and recommendations concerning R&D gaps and needs for developing realistic End-to-End marine ecosystem models, and supporting their use as tools for ecosystem-based management, in the context of key policy drivers. The workshop was organised around three structured discussion groups focusing on: current capabilities; R&D needs, and ways to increase uptake of ecosystem models in ecosystem-based management.

The workshop was attended by 30 scientists from nine countries including the UK, Denmark, France, Germany, Portugal, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, Australia, Canada and South Africa, and involved both early career and established scientists. The workshop was chaired by Dr Morten Skogen (Institute of Marine Rresearch, Norway) and Prof Sheila Heymans (Scottish Association for Marine Science [SAMS], UK), and facilitated by Kate Larkin and Ángel Muñiz Piniella of the EMB Secretariat.

MERP scientists featured heavily in the workshop with scientists from Cefas, PML, SAMS and the University of Sheffield attending. The workshop sets the scene for producing a Policy Brief on End-to-End ecosystem modelling R&D needs that will inform policy makers and MERP science will feature strongly in this policy brief.

Related information

European Marine Board Marine Ecosystem Modelling Working Group

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