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There are 104 publications associated with the MERP programme.
The full list is shown below:


Barrios-O'Neill, Kelly R, Emmerson M. 2019.
Biomass encounter rates limit the size scaling of feeding interactions
Ecological Letters 10.1111/ele.13380
Broszeit, S, Beaumont, NJ; Hooper, TL; Somerfield, PJ; Austen, MC. 2019.
Developing conceptual models that link multiple ecosystem services to ecological research to aid management and policy, the UK marine example
Marine Pollution Bulletin 141, 236-243. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.02.051
Hiddink JG, Jennings S, Sciberras M, Bolam SG, Cambiè G, McConnaughey RA, Mazor T, Hilborn R, Collie JS, Pitcher R, Parma AM, Suuronen P, Kaiser MJ, Rijnsdorp AD. 2019.
Assessing bottom-trawling impacts based on the longevity of benthic invertebrates
Journal of Applied Ecology 56, 1075-1083.. 10.1111/1365-2664.13278
Hiddink, JG, Shepperson J, Bater R, Goonesekera D, Dulvy NK. 2019.
Near disappearance of the Angelshark Squatina squatina over half a century of observations
Conservation Science and Practice 1, e97. 10.1111/csp2.97
Queirós, A, Stephens N, Widdicombe S, Tait K, McCoy S, Ingels J, Ruhl S, Airs R, Beesley A, Carnovale G, Cazenave P, Dashfield S, Hua E, Jones M, Lindeque P, McNeill C, Nunes J, Parry H, Pascoe C, Widdicombe C, Smyth T, Atkinson A, Krause-Jensen D, Somerfield P. 2019.
Connected macroalgal-sediment systems: blue carbon and food webs in the deep coastal ocean.
Ecological Monographs 10.1002/ecm.1366
Ravaglioli C, Bulleri F, Rühl S, Sophie J. McCoy, Findlay H, Widdicombe S, Queirós AM. 2019.
Ocean acidification and hypoxia alter organic carbon fluxes in marine soft sediments
Global Change Biology 10.1111/gcb.14806.
Rossberg, A, Gaedke U, Kratina P. 2019.
Dome patterns in pelagic size spectra reveal strong trophic cascades
Nature Communications 10, Article number: 4396. 10.1038/s41467-019-12289-0


​Fu CH , Travers-Trolet M, Velez L, Gruss A, Bundy A, Shannon LJ, Fulton EA, Akoglu E, Houle JE, Coll M, Verley P, Heymans, JJ, John E, Shin YJ. 2018.
Risky business: The combined effects of fishing and changes in primary productivity on fish communities
ECOLOGICAL MODELLING 265-276. 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.12.003
Burrows MT, Fox CJ, Moore P, Smale D, Sotheran I, Benson A, Greenhill L, Martino S, Parker A, Thompson E, Allen CJ.. 2018.
Wild seaweed harvesting as a diversification opportunity for fishermen
A report by SRSL for HIE
Cole E, Borger L, Hedenstrom A, Holton M, Piano M. Waggitt JJ. Shepard E.. 2018.
Fine-scale movements and habitat selection of diving birds in tidal waters as measured with an Ornithodolite.
Integrative Zoology 10.1111/1749-4877.12327
Cornwell L, Findlay H, Fileman E, Smyth T, Hirst A, Bruun J, McEvoy A, Widdicombe C, Castellani C, Lewis C, Atkinson A. 2018.
Seasonality of Oithona similis and Calanus helgolandicus reproduction and abundance: contrasting responses to environmental variation at a shelf site
Journal of Plankton Research 10.1093/plankt/fby007
Fanjul A, Iriarte A, Villante F, Uriarte I, Atkinson A, Cook K. 2018.
Zooplankton seasonality across a latitudinal gradient in the Northeast Atlantic Shelves Province
Continental Shelf Research 49-62. 10.1016/j.csr.2018.03.009
Guy-Haim T, Lyons D, Kotta J, Ojaveer H, Queirós A, Chatzinikolaou E, Arvanitidis C, Como S, Magni P, Blight A, Orav-Kotta H, Somerfield PJCrowe T, Rilov, G . 2018.
Diverse effects of invasive ecosystem engineers on marine biodiversity and ecosystem functions – a global review and meta-analysis
Global Change Biology 10.1111/gcb.14007
Howarth LM, Somerfield P, Blanchard J, Hiddink JG. 2018.
Celtic and Irish Sea benthic biomass size spectra data collected across gradients in fishing pressure and primary productivity.
British Oceanographic Data Centre - Natural Environment Research Council 10.5285/674d4224-7cc5-4080-e053-6c86abc0626e
Howarth LM, Bolam SG, Waggitt JJ, Bolam GG, Egglerton J, Somerfield, PJ, Hiddink JG. 2018.
The effects of bottom trawling and primary production on the biological traits composition of benthic assemblages
Marine Ecology Progress Series p31-48 . 10.3354/meps12690
Ingels, J, dos Santos G, Hicks N, Vazquez YV, Neres PF, Pontes LP, Amorim MN, Román S, Yongfen D, Stahl H, Somerfield PJ, Widdicombe S. 2018.
Short-term CO2 exposure and temperature rise effects on metazoan meiofauna and free-living nematodes in sandy and muddy sediments: Results from a flume experiment
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 10.1016/j.jembe.2017.07.012
Kaiser ML,, Hormbrey S, Booth JR, Hinz H and Hiddink JG. 2018.
Recovery linked to life history of sessile epifauna following exclusion of towed mobile fishing gear
Journal of Applied Ecology 1060-1070. 10.1111/1365-2664.13087
Lessin G, Artioli Y, Almroth-Rosell E, Blackford JC, Dale AW, Glud RN, Middelburg JJ, Pastres R, Queirós AM, Rabouille C, Regnier P, Soetaert K, Solidoro C, Stephens N, Yakushev E.. 2018.
Modelling Marine Sediment Biogeochemistry: Current Knowledge Gaps, Challenges, and Some Methodological Advice for Advancement
Front. Mar. Sci. 10.3389/fmars.2018.00019
Lieber LL, Nimmo-Smith WAM, Waggitt JJ, Schmitt P, Kregting L. 2018.
Fine-scale hydrodynamic metrics underlying predator occupancy patterns in tidal stream environments
Ecological Indicators 397-408. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.06.071
Maud JL, , Hirst AG, Atkinson A, Lindeque P, McEvoy AJ. 2018.
Mortality of Calanus helgolandicus: Sources, differences between the sexes and consumptive and nonconsumptive processes
LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY 1741-1761. 10.1002/lno.10805
Peck MA, Arvanitidis C, Butenschön M, Melaku Canu D, Chatzinikolaou E, Cucco A, Domenici P, Fernandes JA, Gasche L, Huebert KB, Hufnagl M, Jones MC, Kempf A, Keyl F, Maar M, Mahévas S, Marchal P, Nicolas D, Pinnegar JK, Rivot E, Rochette S, Sell AF, Sinerchia M, Solidoro C, Somerfield PJ, Teal LR, Travers-Trolet M, van de Wolfshaar K. 2018.
Projecting Changes in the Distribution and Productivity of Living Marine Resources: A Critical Review of the Suite of Modeling Approaches used in the Large European Project VECTORS. 
Est. Coast. Shelf Sci. 10.1016/j.ecss.2016.05.019
Queirós AM, Fernandes J, Genevier L, Lynam CP. 2018.
Climate change alters fish community size-structure, requiring adaptive policy targets
Fish and Fisheries 1-9. 10.1111/faf.12278
Schmidt K, Brown A, Belt S, Ireland L, Taylor W, Thorpe S, Ward P, Atkinson A. 2018.
Do pelagic grazers benefit from sea ice? Insights from the Antarctic sea ice proxy IPSO25
Biogeosciences 10.5194/bg-15-1987-2018
Sciberras M, Hiddink JG, Jennings S, Szostek CL, Hughes KM, Kneafsey B, Clarke LJ, Ellis N, Rijnsdorp AD, McConnaughey RA, Hilborn R, Collie JS, Pitcher CR, Amoroso RO, Parma AM, Suuronen P, Kaiser MJ. 2018.
Response of benthic fauna to experimental bottom fishing: A global meta-analysis
Fish and Fisheries 10.1111/faf.12283
Shin YJ, Houle JE, Akoglu E, Blanchard JL, Bundy A, Coll M, Demarcq H, Fu CH, Fulton EA, Heymans JJ, Salihoglu B, Shannon L, Sporcic M, Velez L. 2018.
The specificity of marine ecological indicators to fishing in the face of environmental change: A multi-model evaluation
Ecological Indicators 317-326. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.01.010
Somerfield PJ, Dashfield SL, Warwick RM. 2018.
The structure and organisation of integral marine benthic communities in relation to sieve mesh size
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 10.1016/j.jembe.2017.08.007
Somerfield PJ, McClelland I, McNeill CL, Bolam SG, Widdicombe S . 2018.
Environmental and sediment conditions, infaunal benthic communities and biodiversity in the Celtic Sea
Continental Shelf Research 10.1016/j.csr.2018.09.002
Spence, M, Blanchard, J.L., Rossberg, A.G., Heath, M.R., Heymans, J.J., Mackinson, S., Serpetti, N., Speirs, D.C., Thorpe, R.B., Blackwell, P.G. 2018.
A general framework for combining ecosystem models
Fish Fish 00: 1–12. 10.1111/faf.12310
Tittensor DP, Eddy, TDLotze HK, Galbraith ED, Cheung W, Manuel B, Blanchard JL et al         . 2018.
A protocol for the intercomparison of marine fishery and ecosystem models: Fish-MIP v1.0
GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT 1421-1442. 10.5194/gmd-11-1421-2018
Waggitt JJ, Cazenave P, Howarth LJ, Evans PGH, Van der Kooij J, Hiddink JG. 2018.
Combined measurements of prey availability explain habitat-selection in foraging seabirds
Biology Letters 10.1098/rsbl.2018.0348
Waggitt JJ, Dunn H, Evans PGH, Hiddink JG, Holmes L, Keen E, Murcott B, Piano M, Robins P, Scott BE, Whitmore J & Veneruso G.. 2018.
Regional-scale patterns in harbour porpoise occupancy of tidal stream environments.
ICES J. Mar. Sci 701-710. 10.1093/icesjms/fsx164


Atkinson A, Hill S, Pakhomov E,  Siegel V, Anadon R,  Chiba S, Daly K, Downie R, Fielding S, Fretwell P, Gerrish L, Hosie G, Jessopp M, Kawaguchi S, Krafft B, Loeb V, Nishikawa J, Peat H,  Reiss C, Ross R, Quetin L, Schmidt K, Steinberg D, Subramaniam R, Tarling G, Ward P. 2017.
​KRILLBASE: a circumpolar database of Antarctic krill and salp numerical densities, 1926–2016
Earth System Science Data 193-210. 10.5194/essd-9-193-2017
Barrios-O’Neill D, Bertolini C and Collins PC. 2017.
Trophic cascades and the transient keystone concept
Biological Conservation 212:191–195. 10.1016/j.biocon.2017.06.011
Blanchard J, Heneghan R, Everett J, Trebilco R, Richardson A. 2017.
From Bacteria to Whales: Using Functional Size Spectra to Model Marine Ecosystems
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 174-186. 10.1016/j.tree.2016.12.003
Blanchard J, Watson R, Fulton E, Cottrell R, Nash K, Brndum-Bucholz A, Büchner M, Carozza D, Cheung W, Elliott J, Davidson L, Dulvy N, Dunne J, Eddy T, Galbraith E, Lotze H, Maury O, Müller C, Tittensor D, Jennings S. 2017.
​Linked sustainability challenges and trade-offs among fisheries, aquaculture and agriculture
Nature Ecology & Evolution 1240-1249. 10.1038/s41559-017-0258-8
Broszeit S, Beaumont NJ, Uyarra MC, Heiskanen A-S-, Frost M, Somerfield PRossberg A, Teixeira H, Austen M. 2017.
What can indicators of good environmental status tell us about ecosystem services?: Reducing efforts and increasing cost-effectiveness by reapplying biodiversity indicator data
Ecological Indicators 409–442. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.05.057
Coppock RL, Cole M, Lindeque PK, Queiros AM, Gallaway TS. 2017.
A small-scale, portable method for extracting microplastics from marine sediments
ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 829-837. 10.1016/j.envpol.2017.07.017
Ellis RP, Davison W, Queirós AM, Kroeker KJ, Calosi P, Dupont S, Spicer JI, Wilson RW, Widdicombe S and Urbina MA. 2017.
Does sex really matter? Explaining intraspecies variation in ocean acidification responses.
Biol Lett. 10.1098/rsbl.2016.0761
Fanjul A, Villate F, Uriarte I, Iriarte A, Atkinson A, Cook K. 2017.
Zooplankton variability at four monitoring sites of the Northeast Atlantic Shelves differing in latitude and trophic status
Journal of Plankton Research 891-909. 10.1093/plankt/fbx054
Fernandes JA, , Papathanasopoulou E, Hattam C, Queiros AM, Cheung W, Yool, Artioli Y, et al. 2017.
Estimating the ecological, economic and social impacts of ocean acidification and warming on UK fisheries
Fish and Fisheries 389-411. 10.1111/faf.12183
Hooper T, Beaumont N, Griffiths C, Langmead O, Somerfield, P. 2017.
Assessing the sensitivity of ecosystem services to changing pressures
Ecosystem Services Volume 24, 160-169. 10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.02.016
Howells RJ, Burthe SJ, Green JA, Harris MP, Newell MA, Butler A, Johns DG, Carnell EJ, Wanless S, Daunt F. 2017.
From days to decades: short- and long-term variation in environmental conditions affect offspring diet composition of a marine top predator
Marine Ecology Progress Series 227 - 242. 10.3354/meps12343
Lambert G, Murray LG, Hiddink JG, Hinz H, Lincoln H, Cambiè G, Hold N, Kaiser M. 2017.
Defining thresholds of sustainable impact on benthic communities in relation to fishing disturbance.
Scientific Reports 7, 5440.. 10.1038/s41598-017-04715-4
McConville K, Atkinson A, Fileman E, Spicer JI, Hirst AG. 2017.
Disentangling the counteracting effects of water content and carbon mass on zooplankton growth
Journal of Plankton Research 10.1093/plankt/fbw094
Pinnegar JK, Garrett A, Simpson SD, Engelhard GH, van der Kooij J. 2017.
MCCIP Science Review 73-99. 10.14465/2017.arc10.007-fis
Polimene L, Sailley S, Clark D, Mitra A, Allen JI. 2017.
Biological or microbial carbon pump? The role of phytoplankton stoichiometry in ocean carbon sequestration
Journal of Plankton Researc 39 (2): 180-186. 10.1093/plankt/fbw091
Pritchard DW, Patterson RA, Bovy HC and Barrios-O’Neill D. 2017.
frair: An R package for fitting and comparing consumer functional responses.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10.1111/2041-210X.12784
Rossberg A, Uusitalo L, Berg T, Zaiko A, Chenuil A, Uyarra MC, Borja A and Lynam CP. 2017.
Quantitative criteria for choosing targets and indicators for sustainable use of ecosystems.
Ecol. Ind., 72, 215-224. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.08.005
Serpetti, N, A. R. Baudron, M. T. Burrows, B. L. Payne, P. Helaouët, P. G. Fernandes and J. J. Heymans . 2017.
Impact of ocean warming on sustainable fisheries management informs the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries
Scientific Reports 7(1): 13438. 10.1038/s41598-017-13220-7
Wilson RJ, Speirs DC, Sabatino  A and Heath MR. 2017.
A synthetic map of the northwest European Shelf sedimentary environment for applications in marine science
Earth System Science Data 10.5194/essd-2017-88


Alexander KA, Meyjes SA, Heymans JJ. 2016.
Spatial ecosystem modelling of marine renewable energy installations: Gauging the utility of Ecospace
Ecological Modelling Volume 331, 115-128. 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2016.01.016
Barrios-O’Neill D, Ruth K, Dick J, Ricciardi A, MacIsaac H, Emmerson M. 2016.
On the context-dependent scaling of consumer feeding rates.
Ecology Letters 19 (6) 668-678. 10.1111/ele.12605
Börger T, Broszeit S, Ahtiainen H, Atkins JP, Burdon D, Luisetti T, Murillas A, Oinonen S, Paltriguera L, Roberts L, Uyarra M and Austen MC. 2016.
Assessing Costs and Benefits of Measures to Achieve Good Environmental Status in European Regional Seas: Challenges, Opportunities, and Lessons Learnt
Front. Mar. Sci. 10.3389/fmars.2016.00192
Bucklin A, Lindeque P, Rodriguez-Ezpeleta N, Lehtiniemi M. 2016.
Metabarcoding of marine zooplankton: prospects, progress and pitfalls
Journal of Plankton Research 393-400. 10.1093/plankt/fbw023
Cavanagh RD, Broszeit S, Pilling G, Grant SM, Murphy EJ. and Austen MC. 2016.
Valuing biodiversity and ecosystem services – A useful way to manage and conserve marine resources? 
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B Biological Sciences Special Feature: The value of biodiversity in the Anthropocene. 10.1098/rspb.2016.1635
Clarke KR, Somerfield PJ, Gorley RN. 2016.
Clustering in non-parametric multivariate analyses.
J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 147-155. 10.1016/j.jembe.2016.07.010
Coll M, Shannon L J, Kleisner KM, Juan-Jordá MJ, Bundy A, Akoglu AG, Banaru D, Boldt JL, Borges MF, Cook A, Diallo I, Fu C, Fox C, Gascuel D, Gurney L J, Hattab T, Heymans JJ, Jouffre D, Knight BR, Kucukavsar S, Large SI, Lynam C, Machias A, Marshall KN, Masski H, Ojaveer H, Piroddi C, Tam J, Thiao D, Thiaw M, Torres MA, Travers-Trolet M, Tsagarakis K, Tuck I, van der Meeren GI, Yemane D, Zador SG & Shin YJ. 2016.
Ecological indicators to capture the effects of fishing on biodiversity and conservation status of marine ecosystems
Ecological Indicators 60, 947-962. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.08.048
Datta S, Blanchard J. 2016.
The effects of seasonal processes on size spectrum dynamics
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73(4): 598-610. 10.1139/cjfas-2015-0468
Edwards A, Robinson J, Plank M, Baum J and Blanchard J. 2016.
Testing and recommending methods for fitting size spectra to data
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10.1111/2041-210X.12641
Heymans JJ, Coll M, Link JS, Mackinson S, Steenbeek J, Walters C, Christensen V. 2016.
Best practice in Ecopath with Ecosim food-web models for ecosystem-based management
Ecological Modelling Volume 331, 173-184. 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2015.12.007
Hirst AG, Lilley MKS, Glazier DS, Atkinson D. 2016.
Ontogenetic body-mass scaling of nitrogen excretion relates to body surface area in diverse pelagic invertebrates
Limnology and Oceanography Volume 62, Issue 1, Pages 311–319. 10.1002/lno.10396
Horne CR, Hirst AG, Atkinson D, Neves A, Kiørboe T. 2016.
A global synthesis of seasonal temperature-size responses in copepods
Global Ecology and Biogeography 25: 988-999. . 10.1111/geb.12460
Lessin G, Artioli Y, Queirós AM, Widdicombe S, Blackford JC. 2016.
Modelling impacts and recovery in benthic communities exposed to localised high CO2
Marine Pollution Bulletin 267-280. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.05.071
Lyons D, Arvanitidis C, Blight A, Chatzinikolaou E, Guy-Haim T, Kotta J, Orav-Kotta H, Queirós AM, Rilov G, Somerfield PJ, Crowe TP . 2016.
There are no whole truths in meta-analyses: all their truths are half-truths.
Global Change Biology 22: 968-971. 10.1111/gcb.12989
Murphy E, Cavanagh RD, Drinkwater FK, Grant SM, Heymans JJ, Hofmann EE, Hunt Jr GL, Johnston NM. 2016.
Understanding the structure and functioning of polar pelagic ecosystems to predict the impacts of change
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283. 10.1098/rspb.2016.1646
Papathanasopoulou E, Queirós AM, Beaumont N, Hooper T, & Nunes J. 2016.
What evidence exists on the local impacts of energy systems on marine ecosystem services: a systematic map.
Environmental Evidence 5(1), 25.. 10.1186/s13750-016-0075-6
Queiros AM, Strong JA, Mazik K, Carstensen J, Bruun J, Somerfield PJ, Bruhn A, Ciavatta S, Chuševė R, Nygård H, Papadopoulou N, Pantazi M, Krause-Jensen D. 2016.
An objective framework to test the quality of candidate indicators of good environmental status
Frontiers in Marine Science 3:72. 10.3389/fmars.2016.00073
Queiros AM, Huebert K, Keyl, F, Fernandes JA, Stolte W, Maar M, Kay S, Jones M, Hamon K, Hendriksen G, Vermard Y, Marchal P, Teal L, Somerfield PJ, Austen M, Barange M, Sell AF, Allen JI, Peck M. 2016.
Solutions for ecosystem-level protection of ocean systems under climate change
Global Change Biology 10.1111/gcb.13423
Reed J, L. Shannon L, Velez L, Akoglu E, Bundy A, Coll M, Fu C, Fulton B, Grüss A, Halouani G, Heymans JJ, Houle J,  John E,  Lasram FBR, Le Loc'h F, Salihoglu B, Verley P, Shin YJ. 2016.
Ecosystem indicators – accounting for variability in species’ trophic levels
ICES Journal of Marine Science 74: 158-69. 10.1093/icesjms/fsw150
Schmidt K, Schlosser C, Atkinson A, Fielding S, Venables HJ, Waluda CM, Achterberg EP. 2016.
Zooplankton Gut Passage Mobilizes Lithogenic Iron for Ocean Productivity
Current Biology 10.1016/j.cub.2016.07.058
Schmidt K, Atkinson A. 2016.
Feeding and Food Processing in Antarctic Krill (Euphausia superba Dana)
Biology and Ecology of Antarctic Krill, Part of the series Advances in Polar Ecology. Chapter 5, 175-224.
Scott E, Serpetti N, Steenbeek J, Heymans JJ. 2016.
A stepwise fitting procedure for automated fitting of Ecopath with Ecosim models.
SoftwareX 2016 25-30. 10.1016/j.softx.2016.02.002
Villasante S, Arreguín-Sanchez F, Heymans JJ, Libralato S, Piroddi S, Christensen V, Coll M. 2016.
Modelling marine ecosystems using the Ecopath with Ecosim food web approach: New insights to address complex dynamics after 30 years of developments
Ecological Modelling 311: 1-4. 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2016.04.017


Acevedo-Trejos E, Brandt G, Bruggeman J and Merico A. 2015.
Mechanisms shaping size structure and functional diversity of phytoplankton communities in the ocean.
Scientific Reports 10.1038/srep08918
Atkinson A, Harmer R, Widdicombe CE, McEvoy A, Smyth TJ, Cummings D, Somerfield PJ, Maud J and McConville K. 2015.
Questioning the role of phenology shifts and trophic mismatching in a planktonic food web
Progress in Oceanography Volume 137, Part B, 498–512. 10.1016/j.pocean.2015.04.023
Broszeit S, Hattam C, Beaumont N. 2015.
Bioremediation of waste under ocean acidification: Reviewing the role of Mytilus edulis.
Marine Pollution Bulletin 2016 Jan 8. 5-14. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.12.040
Glazier DS, Hirst AG and Atkinson D . 2015.
Shape shifting predicts ontogenetic changes in metabolic scaling in diverse aquatic invertebrates
The Royal Society Proceedings B 20142302.. 10.1098/rspb.2014.2302
Hirst A, Horne C, Atkinson D. 2015.
Equal temperature–size responses of the sexes are widespread within arthropod species
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282: 20152475. 10.1098/rspb.2015.2475
Hirst AG, Horne CR, Atkinson D. 2015.
Equal temperature-size responses of the sexes are widespread within arthropod species
PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Volume: 282 Issue: 1820 . 10.1098/rspb.2015.2475
Hyder K, Allen JI, Austen A, Barciela RM, Blanchard  J, Burrows MT, Defriez E, Edwards K, Garcia-Carreras B, Heath M, Hembury DJ, Heymans JJ, Holt J, Houle J, Jennings S, Mackinson S, McPike R, Mee L, Mills DK, Montgomery C, Pearson D, Pinnegar JK, Popova EE, Rae L, Rogers SI, Rossberg AG, Speirs D, Spence M, Thorpe R, Turner RK, van der Molen J, Yool A & Paterson DM. 2015.
Making modelling count - increasing the contribution of shelf-seas community and ecosystem models to policy development and management.
Marine Policy 61 291–302. 10.1016/j.marpol.2015.07.015
Maud J, Atkinson A, Hirst AG, Lindeque PK, Widdicombe CE, Harmer RA, McEvoy AJ, Cummings DC.. 2015.
How does Calanus helgolandicus maintain its population in a variable environment? Analysis of a 25-year time series from the English Channel.
Progress in Oceanography 137: 513-523. 10.1016/j.pocean.2015.04.028
Payne M, Barange M, Cheung W, MacKenzie B, Batchelder H, Cormon X, Eddy T, Fernandes JA, Hollowed A, Jones MC, Link J, Neubauer P, Ortiz I, Queiros A, Paula JR. 2015.
Uncertainties in projecting climate-change impacts in marine ecosystems
ICES Journal of Marine Science 10.1093/icesjms/fsv231
Polimene L, Mitra A, Sailley SF, Ciavatta S, Widdicombe CE, Atkinson A, Allen JI. 2015.
Decrease in diatom palatability contributes to bloom formation in the Western English Channel
Progress in Oceanography 137:484-497. 10.1016/j.pocean.2015.04.026
Queirós AM, Bruggeman J, Stephens N, Artioli Y, Butenschön M, Blackford JC, Widdicombe S, Somerfield PJ and Allen JI. 2015.
Placing biodiversity in ecosystem models without getting lost in translation
Journal of Sea Research 83-90. 10.1016/j.seares.2014.10.004
Sailley SF, Polimene L, Mitra A, Atkinson A and Allen JI. 2015.
Impact of zooplankton food selectivity on plankton dynamics and nutrient cycling
Journal of Plankton Research 2015 37(3), 519-529. 10.1093/plankt/fbv020
Spence M, Blackwell P, Blanchard JL. 2015.
Parameter uncertainty of a dynamic multi­species size spectrum model
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73(4), 589-597. 10.1139/cjfas­2015­0022