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Kate Searle

Kate Searle


CEH - Centre for Ecology & Hydrology



Ecological Modeller - Animal population modelling, animal behaviour, seabird ecology

For two decades my research has focused on the effects of environmental change on wildlife behaviour, population dynamics and distributions. By combining contemporary ecological techniques with an understanding of resource-consumer dynamics in heterogeneous environments, I aim to gain mechanistic, process-driven understanding of ecological systems through both advanced statistical modelling and applied, management-orientated experiments. I am particularly interested in understanding how individual behaviour of wildlife scales up to affect population and ecosystem level consequences in rapidly changing, complex environments. For the last five years, I have worked on the Isle of May long-term study of seabird ecology in the north-eastern UK. Here, my research aims to understand how different aspects of environmental change affect population processes in breeding seabirds. In MERP I am working to understand how spatio-temporal variation in weather and resources affect population processes in breeding seabirds, and to map predation pressure from breeding seabirds in UK waters.

Selected Publications

Young, J. C., K. Searle, A. Butler, P. Simmons, A. D. Watt, and A. Jordan. 2016. The role of trust in the resolution of conservation conflicts. Biological Conservation 195:196-202.

Searle, K. R., M. B. Rice, C. R. Anderson, C. Bishop, and N. T. Hobbs. 2015. Asynchronous vegetation phenology enhances winter body condition of a large mobile herbivore. Oecologia 179:377-391.

Searle, K. R., N. T. Hobbs, and S. T. Jaronski. 2010. Asynchrony, fragmentation, and scale determine benefits of landscape heterogeneity to mobile herbivores. Oecologia 163:815-824.

Searle, K. R., C. J. Stokes, and I. J. Gordon. 2008. When foraging and fear meet: using foraging hierarchies to inform assessments of landscapes of fear. Behavioral Ecology 19:475-482.

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