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Simone Martino

Simone Martino


SAMS - Scottish Association for Marine Science



Valuation of ecosystem services, Economics of marine and coastal natural resources, Coastal and marine resource policy and planning, and Analysis of policies for coastal and marine resource management.

Simone Martino is an environmental and resource economist working on the valuation of marketed and non-marketed goods and ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes and coastal and marine environments. Simone works at the edge between science, economic valuation and policy to provide management strategies for agricultural, coastal, and marine resources. He is currently working on the valuation of scenarios for sustainable agriculture in marginalised mountain areas, valuation of policies to reduce fire in the Amazon, valuation of ecosystem services provided by saltmarshes at global scale, and by UK peat lands at tipping points. Within MERP WP3 Simone worked on the monetary quantification of provisioning ecosystem services (fisheries, aquaculture and seaweeds), and the valuation of recreational and tourism activities (wildlife watching, diving and angling) under different fishing management scenarios in the West of Scotland and West of England (Devon/Cornwall). 

Selected Publications

Koutrakis, E. T., Sapounidis A., Marzetti S., Giuliani V., Martino S., Fabiano M., Marin V., Paoli C., Roccatagliata E., Salmona P., Rey-Valette H., Roussel S., Povh D. and Malvárez C. G., 2010, Public Stakeholders' Perception of ICZM and Coastal Erosion in the Mediterranean, Coastal Management, 38(4), 354–377.

Martino S., Amos C.L., 2015. Valuation of the ecosystem services of beach nourishment in decision-making: The case study of Tarquinia Lido, Italy. Ocean & Coastal Management 111, 82-91.

Marzetti S., Disegna M., Koutrakis E., Sapounidis A., Marin V., Martino S., Roussel S., Rey-Valette H. and Paoli C. 2016. Beach Visitors’ Awareness of ICZM and WTP in European Mediterranean Regions: a Case-Study. Marine Policy 63, 100-108.

Martino S., 2016. An attempt to assess horizontal and vertical integration of the Italian coastal governance at national and regional scales Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada / Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management

Evangelia G. Drakou, Charlène Kermagoret, Camino Liquete, Ana Ruiz-Frau, Kremena Burkhard, Ana I. Lillebø, Alexander P. E. van Oudenhoven, Johanna Ballé-Béganton, João Garcia Rodrigues, Emmi Nieminen, Soile Oinonen, Alex Ziemba, Elena Gissi, Daniel Depellegrin, Kristina Veidemane, Anda Ruskule, Justine Delangue, Anne Böhnke-Henrichs, Arjen Boon, Richard Wenning, Simone Martino, Berit Hasler, Mette Termansen, Mark Rockel, Herman Hummel, Ghada el Serafy, Plamen Peev. 2017. Marine and coastal ecosystem services on the science-policy-practice nexus: challenges and opportunities from 11 European case studies. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 13(3): 51-67

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