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Dr Jasper Kenter

Dr Jasper Kenter


SAMS - Scottish Association for Marine Science



Ecological economics

I am Principal Investigator in Ecological Economics at the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS). My research bridges sustainable development, conservation and environmental governance and management issues with a focus on ecosystem services. My primary research interest is in peoples’ values around nature. I enjoy taking a very broad view of the notion of value and values, looking through the lenses of economics, ethics, psychology and spiritual practice, and I have a particular interest in participatory and deliberative approaches to valuing and managing ecosystems, how social processes shape values, and cultural ecosystem services.

Within MERP, with Mike Heath I am coordinating the economic and social valuation work to understand trade-offs, conflicts and synergies between the different ecosystem services that are modelled within the project (fisheries, aquaculture, seaweed harvesting, tourism and recreation), and with Juliette Young also the non-monetary valuation work where we are investigating how changes in ecosystems might affect place and cultural identities through a qualitative approach. Finally, I will be coordinating a series of multicriteria analysis workshops with stakeholders that bring together these different types of evidence to evaluate potential policies and form shared values about future management of marine ecosystems.

Selected Publications

Kenter, J.O., Bryce, R., Christie, M., Cooper, N., Hockley, N., Irvine, K.N., Fazey, I., O'Brien, L., Orchard-Webb, J., Ravenscroft, N., Raymond, C.M., Reed, M.S., Tett, P., Watson, V., 2016. Shared values and deliberative valuation: Future directions. Ecosystem Services 21, 358–371. 10.1016/j.ecoser.2016.10.006

Ranger, S., Kenter, J.O., Bryce, R., Cumming, G., Dapling, T., Lawes, E., Richardson, P.B., 2016. Forming shared values in conservation management: An interpretive-deliberative-democratic approach to including community voices. Ecosystem Services 21, 344–357.

Kenter, J.O., O'Brien, L., Hockley, N., Ravenscroft, N., Fazey, I., Irvine, K.N., Reed, M.S., Christie, M., Brady, E., Bryce, R., Church, A., Cooper, N., Davies, A., Evely, A., Everard, M., Fish, R., Fisher, J.A., Jobstvogt, N., Molloy, C., Orchard-Webb, J., Ranger, S., Ryan, M., Watson, V., Williams, S., 2015. What are shared and social values of ecosystems? Ecological Economics 111, 86–99.

Kenter, J.O., Reed, M.S., Irvine, K.N., O'Brien, L., Brady, E., Bryce, R., Christie, M., Church, A., Cooper, N., Davies, A., Hockley, N., Fazey, I., Jobstvogt, N., Molloy, C., Orchard-Webb, J., Ravenscroft, N., Ryan, M., Watson, V., 2014. UK National Ecosystem Assessment follow-on phase. Work Package Report 6: Shared, plural and cultural values of ecosystems. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge.

Jobstvogt, N., Watson, V., Kenter, J.O., 2014. Looking below the surface: The cultural ecosystem service values of UK marine protected areas (MPAs). Ecosystem Services 10, 97–110.

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