Applying science to marine environmental policy and regulation; assessing the impacts of human activities on the marine environment; cumulative effects assessment
Adrian is a Principal Advisor within the Cefas Science for Sustainable Marine Management Team and is Cefas Drivers of Ecosystem Change Science Theme Lead. He has over 20-years experience of assessing the marine environmental impacts of human activities and providing expert scientific advice to regulators and policy-makers nationally and internationally. Adrian has produced publications on environmental impact assessment, risk assessment and cumulative effects assessment. Adrian is part of the UK delegation to the OSPAR Environmental Impacts of Human Activities Committee. Adrian is actively engaged in a number of ongoing-initiatives to develop and test cumulative effects assessment methodologies and is the chair of the OSPAR Intersessional Correspondence Group on Cumulative Effects Assessment and lead author of the Ecosystem Assessment Outlook section of the Intermediate Assessment 2017. Adrian chairs the UK Marine Monitoring and Assessment Strategy’s Productive Seas Evidence Group. Adrian is also a member the Welsh Governments Marine Planning Team, working to produce the first national marine plan for Wales. Within MERP Adrian is leading Task 2 of Module 8 which applies the risk assessment methodology Bow Tie Analysis to define the environmental, social and economic drivers / causes; consequences and management actions for a suite of indicators which are chained into cumulative effects assessments.
Useful links
MERP Module 8