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Dr Tara Hooper

Dr Tara Hooper


Plymouth Marine Laboratory


Marine ecosystem services

Dr Tara Hooper is an environmental economist with a background in marine ecology, whose work focuses on interpreting ecological information in ecosystem service terms and in exploring ecosystem service approaches to impact assessment, considering in particular the simultaneous assessment of multiple environmental benefits. She has applied techniques including multicriteria analysis and monetary valuation using choice experiment, contingent valuation and travel cost methods. She has a particular interest in the environmental and social impacts of marine renewable energy, but her work has also encompassed estuarine habitats and coastal recreation. Her work requires engagement with industry, regulators and planning authorities, and with wider stakeholders and the general public, and she has regularly led and supported the implementation of workshops, focus groups, surveys and interviews. Her recent work has been focused in the UK, but she also spent six years working in the western Indian Ocean.

Selected Publications

Hooper, T., Langmead, O. & Ashley, M. 2016. Ecosystem Services in Marine Environmental Impact Assessment: Tools to support marine planning at project and strategic scales. In: Geneletti D. (Ed) Handbook on biodiversity and ecosystem services in impact assessment. Edward Elgar.

Pendleton, L., Mongruel, R., Beaumont, N., Hooper, T., & Charles, M. 2015. A triage approach to improve the relevance of marine ecosystem services assessments Marine Ecology Progress Series 530: 183-193

Hooper T., Cooper P., Hunt A. and Austen M. 2014. A methodology for the assessment of local-scale changes in marine environmental benefits and its application. Ecosystem Services 8:65-74

Börger T., Beaumont N., Pendleton L., Boyle K., Cooper P., Fletcher S., Haab T., Hanemann M., Hooper T., Hussain S., Portela R., Stithou M., Stockill J., Taylor T. and Austen M. 2014. Incorporating ecosystem services in marine planning: The role of valuation. Marine Policy 46:161–170