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John Alridge

John Alridge


CEFAS - Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science


Ecological modelling

I am a mathematical modeller with a broad research experience covering both physical and biological marine processes. Over the last 8 years or so I have been involved in modelling benthic biogeochemical processes in the North Sea using the ERSEM model. Other areas of experience include development of models of sediment and contaminant transport, seabed disturbance and simple models of estuarine phytoplankton and macroalgal growth for rapid assessment of estuarine nutrient status.

Selected Publications

J. van der Molen, J.N.  Aldridge, C. Coughlan, R. Parker, D. Stephens and P. Ruardij (2013) Modelling marine ecosystem response to climate change and trawling in the North Sea. Biogeochemistry 113; 213-236.

J.N. Aldridge, M Trimmer, (2009) Modelling the distribution and growth of ‘problem’ green seaweed in the Medway estuary, UK Hydrobiologia: Volume 629, Issue1 (2009), Page 107.

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